The Online Programmer

“You should not have a favorite weapon, or any other exaggerated preference for that matter. To become overly attached to one weapon is as bad as not knowing it sufficiently well.”

— Miyamoto Musashi
“The Book of Five Rings”

Recently, my principles were put to the test when I was asked to integrate my existing Java application with another application that was implemented in C#/.NET — a task that made me shudder. I had fully absorbed Richard Stallman‘s philosophy, I was (and still am) a great fan of free and open software.

C#, I thought (and still think), was a nice language, but not really that much different from Java, it’s main purpose just being yet another attempt from Microsoft to lock in people into their technology and operating system (I have to clarify here that I’m not a Microsoft hater; Microsoft has done incredible services to the computing world. What I don’t like is that their operating systems are for users and not for programmers. With Mac OS X, Apple has proved that it is possible make an operating system that is friendly to users and developers at the same time; yet I avoid Apple for other reasons, but I’m digressing…)

Someone, by the name of Bryan Adams, once said “Ain’t no use in complainin’, when you got a job to do” and he was definitely right: a job is a job and life isn’t always a bowl of coffee beans. So I started porting my code to C#, I even did it in Visual Studio (Folks, since I do most of my typing in Vim, you cannot imagine what a torture that was; I constantly had to leave the home row of my keyboard, grab the mouse, go back to the keyboard, again and again. Luckily, I found a nice Vim plugin for Visual Studio that relieved most of my pains. Derek Wyatt has made some terrific screen casts about Vim; if you don’t know the benefits of Vim, please, please watch them!). Contrary to my initial belief, the job didn’t turn out to be that difficult and disgusting, mainly due to the friendly help of two guys: one was a colleague who is an experienced C#/.NET developer and the other was Mr Google himself.

The way I program these days is different to the way I programmed ten years ago. In the old days, I tried hard to learn every aspect of a programming language and most of what the libraries had to offer.

But this doesn’t work anymore, at least for me. Programming language elements and class libraries are so similar that I cannot keep them in separate compartments of my brains. But this is not a problem, at least if I have an Internet connection.

I don’t even bother to consult books, not even the HTML API documentation. Instead, I ask Mr Google things like this:

“ArrayList in C#”
“socket python”
“asynchronous IO in Java”
“XPath Java”
“random numbers C++”

In return, I get links to Q&A sites, tutorials, and online API documentation. Within seconds, I get my problem solved, sometimes even examples that I can use in my own code.

The advantage is that I’m now able to program in many languages, which is great fun and gives me a competitive edge over developers who only call themselves “C++” or “Java” experts. On top of that, I get many new insights by working with different languages; insights that turn out to be useful in completely other contexts.

I hope the Internet never goes down, though…

The Return of the Pizza Delivery Guy

Once again, while reviewing some source code, I’ve come across two new solutions to the Pizza Box Problem. For those who don’t remember, the Pizza Box Problem is about finding an answer to the question how many pizza bags you need to ship a certain quantity of pizza boxes. This problem pops up frequently in systems programming, albeit in different guises. The solution I gave then was:

where N is the number of pizza boxes that fit into a pizza bag and ‘/’ is the integer division operator that rounds towards zero.

Here is the first alternative I’ve seen. Someone wants to chop-up a larger message into smaller packets and in order to find out how many packets are to be sent:

What this code does is add one to the result of the division, except for cases where the remainder of the division is zero. This code seems to work fine, but is it also efficient?

At first glance, you might think that it is way less efficient than my official solution on the grounds that it uses the modulo operator and this requires yet another expensive integer division operation.

As usual, the real answer is: “it depends”. Some architectures (like Intel x86) have DIV instructions that return the division result and the remainder at the same time, while others do not. If the former is the case, you get the modulo operation for free. If not, you will have to pay the price. For instance, the PowerPC architecture requires you to calculate the remainder in three steps “by hand”:

Another downside is the fact that the code is not branch-free. Depending on the platform you are on, you might get a penalty if the branch is taken (“pipeline flush”). Yet, the likelihood that the branch is taken is actually low, as it happens only if size is not evenly divisible by MAX_PACKET_SIZE.

By and large, I don’t like this approach. It requires more typing and is likely to have an efficiency issue.

But I’ve come across another promising solution:

Compared to my original solution, this version has a clear advantage: it doesn’t suffer from overflow issues. Consider the original pizza box formula:

Depending on the number of pizza boxes and N it is possible that their sum overflows the value range of their underlying types, which would result in a wrong value of pizza_bags.

Alas, this advantage comes at the cost of another disadvantage: if the number of pizza boxes is zero, pizza_bags will not compute to zero but to an insanely large number.

So depending on the constraints of your context, you now have two efficient possibilities to choose from. Regardless of your decision, I advise you to use explicit assertions to state and check your assumptions. Either:


Circular Adventures IV: A “Complementary” Gift

“Th’ hast spoken right, ’tis true.
The wheel is come full circle, I am here.”

— Shakespear, King Lear Act 5, scene 3, 171–175

In the previous part of this series, I’ve shown how to calculate the distance between two indices into a circular buffer using the mathematical mod operator. Today, I will give you a solution that doesn’t need the mod operator and is even more efficient.

We have always viewed our N element ring buffer like this:

There are N = 10 elements, indices start at 0 and end at N – 1. But let’s pretend for a moment that we had signed indices instead; indices that can become negative:

Like in the unsigned system, we assume that the borders are joined, that is, the successor of 4 is -5 and the predecessor of -5 is 4.

The arithmetic distance between a and b is, like before, b – a:

What is special about this new system is that if the distance gets larger than 4, it suddenly becomes negative. Remember that the successor of 4 is -5. So in this case

b – a is +6 which is, taken our special wrap-around mechanism into account, -4. This means that not b is ahead of a, but a is ahead of b by 4!

In fact, the wrap-around value of the arithmetic distance is exactly the circular distance that we calculated in part III using a different approach:

Note that our invariant which we established in the previous installment still applies: the true circular distance between two indices must be half the size of the ring buffer (N) or less. That’s why the circular distance for cases where b – a equals +/-5 is marked as undefined in the table.

This “unusual” range of index values from -N/2 – 1 to +N/2 is what’s called a 2’s complement system in computer science. It’s a means of supporting signed types in programming languages. The unsigned value range 0 to N is split in two halves, one for the negative values and one for the positive values. Even though it’s not stipulated by the C language standard, 2’s complement systems are the de facto standard for signed type implementations in all contemporary compilers (including Java and C#; contrary to C, both actually do stipulate 2’s complement).

In order to compute the circular distance in a 2’s complement system, it looks as if we need to take three steps: 1) convert our real-world unsigned indices into signed indices, 2) calculate their signed difference, and 3) wrap-around the signed difference if it lays outside the -N/2 – 1 to +N/2 value range, similarly to what the mod operator does for unsigned values.

Step 1 we can skip altogether, because to a CPU, there really is no difference between signed and unsigned numbers, it’s just a matter of how we (or the compiler) interpret the bit patterns of the operation’s result. Hence, we can proceed to step 2 and compute the unsigned difference and interpret it as a signed number in step 3:

Now, if N is a base-2 number that coincides with our signed integer types

Step 3 is as simple as a type-cast:

or even simpler:

Strictly speaking, casting an unsigned integer to a signed integer is “implementation defined”. Implementation defined is not to be confused with “undefined” and means for all practical purposes: interpret the unsigned value as a 2’s complement signed integer value. This achieves the intended 2’s complement wrap-around, just as we desire.

As a case in point, consider a 32-bit timer that keeps track of the system time. A timer interrupt service routine will update the timer value regularly behind the scenes. Based on what we have learned, you can easily measure the time between two events, even if the timer should overflow in between:

Most systems software (including embedded systems) is implemented in C, mainly because efficiency is at a premium. Due to the fact that C doesn’t come with a mathematical mod operator, it is sometimes sensible to “force” the size of timers/counters/ring buffers to the upper bound of an unsigned integer type. With this being the case, the aforementioned ‘cast-to-signed’ trick can be applied and calculating circular distances becomes both, easy and computationally cheap.

More circular adventures…


I’ve already written about the importance of daily practicing for software developers. One essential habit is Playgrounding, where developers practice in easily accessible try-out areas.

Playgrounds are great for tactical programming, when you want to explore a language feature or a certain technique. In order to try out strategic — or larger — ideas you need something else, something I call Masterpieces.

I borrowed the term Masterpiece from the guild system that was (and still is in many countries) responsible for the education of professional craftsmen. Journeymen who want to become masters not only have to take theoretical lessons and write exams; at the end they have to present a so-called ‘masterpiece’ which is meant to demonstrate that they possess the required skills of the trade.

In my opinion, developers should work on Masterpieces, too.

By my definition, a Masterpiece is a project that serves to improve development skills, provides real-world utility to others, and demonstrates the skill and maturity levels to potential clients and employers.

The last point should not be underestimated. As a hiring manager, would you rather hire developers who can demonstrate their abilities (and stamina) to create real-world software products or people who just claim how good they are? (Usually, for legal reasons, it is next to impossible to show production code from a previous (commercial) product that candidates have worked on, but with Masterpieces it is easy.)

Masterpieces don’t have to be true masterpieces according to the other generally accepted definition of the term: “works of art of outstanding quality and/or novelty”. If they are, that’s terrific, but the main focus of a Masterpiece is on skill-improvement and demonstrating the “can-and-willing-to-do” attitude of a developer. Nevertheless, it goes without saying that Masterpieces should be of decent quality. For instance, source code should be laid-out nicely, have good identifier names and there should be documentation, at least a README file, that shows how to use it. If there are automated unit tests, so much the better!

Here is an example of a very small Masterpiece. Some time ago, while trying to improve my Python skills, I wrote a tiny tool called “NoComment!” — a Python script that scans C/C++/Java source code and counts the total number of commented and uncommented lines. It also calculates a comment-density metric. Call it trivial, but it does have real-world utility. You can use it to easily find out if there is code in your project with too little documentation. Even though it is extremely simply, I added a README file, some regression tests and put it up on Sourceforge.

But just showing that you are a great coder is not enough these days — social and especially communication skills are at least as important.

That’s why Masterpieces are not limited to implementing software. You can improve, share, and demonstrate your skills by hosting blogs, giving lectures at conferences, publishing tutorials, podcasts, screencasts, and by contributing to Q&A sites like (who wouldn’t want to hire Jon Skeet for his next C# project?).

Masterpieces are a clear win-win habit: you can improve and demonstrate your skills, while others benefit from your knowledge and experience. Just like in the guild system, you cannot become or be a master without them.

Circular Adventures III: A Distance Apart

“Distance has the same effect on the mind as on the eye.”
― Samuel Johnson, The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia

In previous episodes of this series, I’ve only focused on circular problems involving a single index into a ring buffer. Today, I want to extend the scope to use-cases involving two indices.

At the end of part two of this series, I posted a problem where I wanted to keep track of the time when certain events occurred:

The first column of this table represents the event type, the second a time-stamp showing when the event took place. The time-stamp comes from a 32-bit timer which can wrap-around.

Our task is to find out in which order these events occurred, which basically boils down to finding a method that allows us to compare two time-stamps, taking wrap-around into account. Once we have such a method, we are able to sort the event list.

Viewed from a another angle, comparing two values of a wrap-around timer is exactly the same as comparing two indices into a ring buffer:

In this ring buffer of 10 elements, is a ahead of b or is it the other way around? Which one is larger and which one is smaller? Since we don’t know how many times a or b have wrapped around we are not able to give a meaningful answer to this question. So let’s agree on a rule, an invariant that at any time holds for our indices: a and b may wrap around (as many times as they like) but their real, absolute distance is always less than half the size of the buffer (i. e. N div 2). This effectively means that one index can never get ahead of the other by half the size of the buffer or more.

Under this assumption, it is clear that in Fig1 b is ahead of a and the true distance is 6 – 3 = 3. Because of our invariant, a cannot be ahead of b. Why? If a were ahead of b it would have wrapped around and the real, absolute distance between a and b would then be 7, thus violating our rule which requires that the real distance is less than 5.

Contrast this with the next example:

a must have wrapped around and it must be ahead of b by 4. Otherwise (if b were ahead of a), the distance would be 6 and this — according to our “less than half the buffer size” rule — would be illegal.

The next example is ill-formed: regardless of how you view it, the distance is always 5 so the invariant is violated and we cannot tell which index is ahead of which:

Just in case you wonder if there is a way to do without our cumbersome invariant: We could in fact utilize the full ring buffer range and not only less than the half, but this would require another invariant: one that requires that index a is always behind index b and there is no overtaking taking place (see part VI). Employing this invariant works in producer/consumer scenarios but turns out to be a lot less useful in the most typical circular use cases. It certainly would be of no help in our event-recording example above, as we cannot assume which event comes before or after another.

Based on our invariant, it was quite easy for us (as human beings) to determine which index is ahead of which. But how can we determine it in software? Simply calculating the linear distance b – a is not sufficient, since we are operating in a circle and not along a one-dimensional axis. In Fig2, calculating b – a gives 6, but the real distance is -4, since a is ahead of b by 4. If we calculate a – b, we get -6 still not -4. How can we get from linear differences to circular differences?

Ah, you must have guessed it! Here it goes again, the mod operator, our universal weapon for fighting circular problems!

Let me explain how the mod operator helps by using one of the most powerful analysis tools ever invented — a table:

In the first column are all possible values for the linear distance of two indices; in the second column, this linear distance is taken modulo N, the size of the ring buffer (which happens to be 10 in our examples). In the third column, I put the leader, the index which is ahead of the other index. I did this manually, by drawing sketches and counting, just like I did in Fig2, when I claimed that a is ahead of b by 4. There are two discontinuities in the table: when the distance is exactly 5, that is, half the size of the ring buffer.

Ignoring these discontinuities and looking at column 2 and 3 we can observe that b is ahead of (or equal to) a if the linear distance taken modulo 10 is less than 5; otherwise a is ahead of b.

Based on this observation, we are now able to implement a less-than operator, which allows us to sort circular values. (As you may know, many sorting algorithms from standard libraries, like, for instance, the C++ standard library sort() algorithm, invoke the less operator ‘<‘ on values of a given range to do its job.) Here is an implementation of a circular less function in pseudo-code:

Having had so much fun and success with the table, I added yet another column: the true circular distance, again based on sketching and counting. In Fig2, the true circular distance between a and b would be -4, since a is ahead of b. In Fig1, the circular distance is +3, since b is ahead of a:

Comparing column 2 and 5 shows that the circular distance (cd) coincides with the linear distance mod 10 for values less than half the size of the circle. For other cases (again, ignoring the discontinuity cases) the circular distance can be obtained by subtracting 10 from the linear distance (mod 10). In pseudo-code:

Now this function is even more useful than circular_less. You can use it directly in sorting algorithms like qsort() from the C standard library, or, if you are using C++’s sort(), you can easily implement circular_less in terms of circular_distance:

But the real benefit of circular_distance over circular_less is that you are now able to do real circular distance calculations. In our event table example above, you can determine how many ticks are between event 1 and event 2. Or, as another example, if you have a free running 16-bit timer (a counter with N = 65536) that is updated every millisecond, you could use circular_distance like this:

Even at the risk of repeating myself, please be aware that the mathematical mod operator and Java’s/C’s % operator are not the same. You can, however, apply the trick that I showed in part I: use ANDing instead of the mod operator for cases where N is a base-2 number; 65536 is a base-2 number so in C you would implement circular_distance like this:

In this installment, I’ve shown how to efficiently use the mod operator to solve circular problems involving more than one index. The solution is based on an invariant that states that the distance between two indices is always less than half the size of the value range. In the next episode, we will learn about another technique, one that is even more powerful than the mod operator: performing circular distance calculation in a two’s complement system.

More circular adventures…

Capital Offense: How to Handle Abbreviations in CamelCase

The CamelCase notation is one of the most popular word separation schemes. It used to be my favorite as well, but these days, I happen to prefer underscores, just like Kernighan and Ritchie did. But this is just my personal taste and it might be subject to change. I certainly don’t want to convince you to change your style. As always, it is more important to follow one style consistently than trying to find the “best” style.

Speaking of consistency, if there is one clear downside of CamelCase, it’s that it seduces people into being inconsistent — at least if abbreviations (or acronyms) are used. Take a look at some real-life examples from the Java API:

But what an inconsistent mess this is! Followers of the CamelCase school of thought obviously have difficulty deciding how to handle abbreviations. In some cases, an abbreviation is written all-uppercase, in other cases only the initial character is capitalized. To avoid such mixes, some coding conventions, like Python’s PEP-8, try to cure this by giving explicit advice:

When using abbreviations in CapWords, capitalize all the letters of the abbreviation. Thus HTTPServerError is better than HttpServerError.

I totally disagree. While it works in simple cases, it leads to abominations when one abbreviation follows another:

The only convention that works reliably is this: “Treat abbreviations just like ordinary words”. That is, don’t use all-capital letters:

This works also if identifiers have to start with a small letter (e. g. names of local variables):